Monday, September 28, 2009

Start the Day Right

Current favorite breakfast (besides homemade peach pie...yes, I have been known to eat gluten-free pie...cake...ehrm...brownies...for breakfast..don't judge, you gluten people eat donuts and chocolate muffins for breakfast!):

Rice Chex

with Almond Breeze Almond Milk

and Raisins (or Craisins...or fresh fruit)

(That's what you get when you google "fruit")


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


That's all I could think when I saw this picture. It's like they were made for me, me who is sitting here eating M&Ms at 10:30 am.
They are saying now that celiacs can eat "gluten-free" oats, or oats that are processed in a totally wheat-free facility. They don't think there is gluten in oats, but that since oats are always processed with wheat, there is a ton of cross-contamination. But, they also say that a small percentage of celiacs still don't tolerate gluten-free oats well. They think this is because the gluten in oats is too similar to the the "toxic" (to us) gluten in wheat, rye and barley.
This is why a bag of Bob's Red Mill GF Oats has been sitting in my pantry for two months untouched. I am afraid.
But this recipe might just push me over the edge. I bet you could even eat it for breakfast, because, after all, there are oats in it. And hello, no bake?! Sweet!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thanks, Betty!

Betty Crocker sure is giving this whole gluten-free thing a nice shot. I certainly appreciate it, because I think above all else it makes gluten-free people feel a little more normal. There's something comforting about knowing you can eat something that good 'ole Betty made. There's something even more comforting to your friends who never have any idea what in tarnation to make for you, who can now grab a box of gluten-free cake mix right next to the box of gluten-FULL cake mix.

Let's all breathe a collective sigh of relief. There!

That said, I think they have a little ways to go in perfecting these mixes before they come out just right. My cousin tried the chocolate chip cookies and hated them. These weekend though, our sweet niece made us a gluten-free yellow cake for our family (hubby's side) get-together. She covered it in whipped cream and strawberries, and it really turned out well. It really worked as a short cake or pound cake as it was definitely quite dense. I wouldn't recommend it for a true white cake. Our aspiring chef neice hit the nail on the head though with the whipped cream and strawberries! Not gonna lie, I ate some for breakfast today. Yum!